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Commercialising Intellectual Property

How can you commercialise your intellectual property?

At Sajen legal, we put a great deal of effort into helping our clients commercialise the intellectual property that empowers their businesses. Why?

From experience, we know that intellectual property is often the engine behind any business. However, too often, clients forget to protect their intellectual property because, as they grow and expand their businesses, they find themselves juggling a lot of balls. As a result, issues such copyright, trademarks, patents and design registration tend to get put on the back burner.

We help our clients protect their intellectual property, by offering the following services:

  • Conducting intellectual property audits
  • Running intellectual property due diligence
  • Assisting branding strategies, including trade mark registration
  • Advising on protecting know-how, including patent and design registration
  • Drafting licensing agreements
  • Negotiating confidentiality agreements.

Do you need assistance with commercialising your intellectual property? Would you like to talk to a lawyer who can audit your business and ensure that all your intellectual property is safeguarded? Would you like to know more about our fixed-fee arrangements for our legal services? Call us now on 1800 640 509.

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