Building Innovations: A Legal Journey in Construction Tech

Welcome to our series that chronicles the entrepreneurial venture of Alex and Jordan, two seasoned professionals who are venturing into the burgeoning field of construction technology in Southeast Queensland. This series isn’t just a narrative about business growth; it’s a deep dive into the legal intricacies and challenges faced when pioneering in a tech-driven industry. continue reading

The Significance of Freedom of Contract in Commerce: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Freedom of Contract Freedom of contract is a legal principle that empowers contracting parties to negotiate and establish their agreement’s terms without any external interference, particularly from the government. It forms the bedrock of a liberal constitutional state and is a vital component of civil law in many countries. Freedom of contract is an continue reading

Balancing Consumer Protection with Freedom of Contract

Freedom of Contract is a fundamental concept that permits parties to negotiate their agreements freely. However, this freedom must be balanced with the necessity to protect consumers and small businesses from unfair practices. This article discusses the challenges faced in achieving this balance and proposes recommendations for improvement. What is Freedom of Contract? Freedom of continue reading

Big Penalties for Unfair Contract Terms

Contracting with small businesses or consumers will become a risky business from 9 November 2023 as changes to the use of unfair contract terms come into effect (the Regime). Parties will be faced with significant repercussions for contracting with unfair terms in standard form contracts. The Regime applies to both consumer contracts (i.e. contracts with continue reading

When Builders Go Bust

The building and construction industry is facing increasing costs, and shortages of materials and trade supplies, leaving many building companies struggling to sustain their operations. Homeowners are often left in a disadvantaged position as a result. When builders go bust, it is important that homeowners take appropriate steps to ensure completion of the construction of continue reading

Your Breach or Mine? – A Cautionary Tale for Parties to Building Contracts

These are precarious times for the building and construction industry. This uncertainty is often heightened by standard form building contracts containing little in the way of guidance when it comes to a party being ‘otherwise in substantial breach’ of their obligations. Terms such as ‘substantial breach’ are seldom defined in these building contracts, and it continue reading

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